JCDecaux New Zealand achieves first Toitū carbon-reduce certification for emissions reduction

JCDecaux New Zealand’s plan to be Net Carbon Zero by 2050 is well underway, with the agency completing its first year of Toitū carbon-reduce certification.

As the first Kiwi Out of Home company to achieve net carbon zero status in 2018, JCDecaux has moved away from carbon neutrality to implement robust carbon reduction measures.

It is also a foundation member of Ad Net Zero and a partner of Scope3, a company that measures the emissions of advertising, publishing and tech platforms.

The latest Toitū certification for 1 January—31 December 2023 shows that JCDecaux reduced its CO2 emissions by three percent from the previous year and by a remarkable 63% from the base year (2021).

Phil Eastwood, Country Manager JCDecaux New Zealand, said, “Our first Toitū carbon-reduce certification underscores our commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and our efforts to reduce emissions across all aspects of our operations.

“We are proud to have decreased our emissions by three percent whilst growing our revenue by 12 percent, proving we can grow our business without increasing our emissions.”

Other key highlights from the certification include:

  • A significant reduction in waste-related emissions, achieving an 83 percent decrease, partly due to
    recycling initiatives with Future Post for Future Banner materials.

    A notable decrease in freight emissions, showcasing improvements in logistics and supply chain

JCDecaux New Zealand’s sustainability strategy includes ongoing projects aimed at further reducing emissions, in line with the company’s global ambition to achieve Net Zero Carbon. These include reducing operational emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) and emissions across the entire value chain (Scope 3) such as transitioning lighting to LED and working with digital screen manufacturers on more energy efficient solutions.

“Our efforts are not just about meeting targets but about setting new standards for the Out Of Home industry,” added Eastwood. “We are dedicated to sustainable practices that make a real difference, and our continued progress is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our entire team.”


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