oOh!media unveils next step in Out of Home audience targeting: Smart Reach


NZ leading Out of Home (OOH) media company, oOh!media, proudly announces the next step in its behavioural targeting evolution, Smart Reach. This innovative platform is set to transform how brands engage with their audiences by leveraging advanced data analytics to deliver highly targeted advertising campaigns.

Smart Reach harnesses the power of oOh!’s comprehensive network, which includes over 4,000 locations and 250+ audience segments. By integrating geolocation data with behavioural insights, Smart Reach optimises audience reach by selecting optimal panel combinations. This approach not only ensures broad reach with each purchase but also maximizes on-target audience engagement. This tool enhances advertising ROI by precisely targeting consumers according to their real-world behaviours and affinities.

"New Zealand marketers and media buyers are now able to optimise their OOH media campaign spend to reach the largest number of consumers from the campaigns 'Target Audience'. This is a game changer for how OOH media is planned and bought in New Zealand. With 250+ Brand level audience segments; 60+ Advertiser Category segments & numerous Demographic segments available, advertisers in New Zealand have the opportunity to drive better outcomes from their OOH media investment with oOh!" said James Fogelberg, Founder of LANDMARKS ID, the platform powering Smart Reach.

“We are thrilled to introduce Smart Reach, a tool that embodies our commitment to innovation and excellence in the Out of Home advertising space,” said Rick Goodwin, Product, Innovation & Solutions Director at oOh!media.

“Smart Reach not only enhances the efficiency of OOH audience delivery but also provides deeper insights into real-world behaviours, enabling brands to connect with consumers in more meaningful and impactful ways with relevant messaging.”

Key Features of Smart Reach:

• Advanced Targeting Capabilities: Utilises over 300,000 devices to gather real world movement insights and target audiences based on specific behaviours and affinities.

• Geographic Flexibility: Allows advertisers to define geographies and create custom segments for more tailored campaigns.

• Maximise 1+ Reach: Employs a sophisticated algorithm to maximise target audience reach across oOh! networks (Street Furniture + Retail),

• Comprehensive Insights: Provides insights into target audience reach uplift, in raw numbers, by leveraging Smart Reach.

One of the early adopters of Smart Reach, Hearts & Science and Contact Energy, reported that Smart Reach had significantly improved their campaign outcomes, “The scale of oOh!’s network, optimised via Smart Reach, allowed us to connect with our target audience more effectively, resulting in a substantial increase in interest and engagement.” – Hearts & Science Planning Team.

oOh!media is committed to continuously enhancing Smart Reach with new features, including more audience segments, advanced mapping capabilities, and first-party data integrations. These developments aim to provide even greater value to advertisers by enabling more precise and impactful campaigns.


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